James Thornton
Author, Mentor, Speaker, Stroke Survivor and Stroke Survivor Advocate
If your loved one recently suffered a stroke or if you are a stroke survivor on your path to recovery, I am here to give you hope.
After suffering a stroke in 2018, I was found unconscious more than 20 hours later. I was not supposed to live, walk, talk, let alone ever write again.
But by focusing on one step, one word, one single thing at a time, I have written and published Step by Step: Your Journey to My World as a Stroke Survivor to encourage you and your loved ones.
Visit Amazon to get your personal copy or buy bulk copies for traumatic brain injury caregivers and patients visiting your stroke unit or stroke rehab facility.
My purpose in life is to support and encourage stroke survivors and their families, raise awareness of the risk and prevention of strokes, and to love every person I connect with every day.
Food for Thought
I love to share “my story”… uplift those around me and give hope to stroke survivors, caregivers and their loved ones.
My Story
Every day is a blessing…and it’s a miracle that I am here.
“Your Journey” to My World as a Stroke Survivor
Get your personal copy or multiple copies for survivors and families visiting your stroke unit or stroke rehab center.
Strokes…By the Numbers
Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds. Every 4 minutes, someone dies of stroke. Learn more here.
We all can "FOCUS ON" our circumstances and how we will use them to help our selves and others. This is what i help them with…"one thing at a time" through my short stories.
She walks me…