Food for Thought

James Thornton James Thornton

Introduction by John Schoger

Standing at six feet, five inches tall, James Thornton has always been a mountain of a man.  With an infectious smile and a laugh that fills the room as much as his physical presence, James is a larger-than-life character.

I first met James at a Bible study my wife and I attended at the home of Matt and Claire Hamilton in Columbus in 2017.  It was a perfect summer evening and James could not be missed -  jovial, well dressed, and standing a head above all the other guests.  Meeting James for the first time, I received his welcoming hand, a broad smile and his complete attention.

That evening was one day after James’ birthday and following the study, his girlfriend Lisa Showe (now his beautiful wife) surprised James with a cake and we all sang happy birthday.  The giant was brought to tears. He thanked everyone and said that he had never felt so welcomed in his life.

In the coming months I would get to know James through Core Community, a weekly men’s fellowship and bible study.  James was regularly attending, growing in the Word and always had much to share.  Engaging and chararimatic, I - along with everyone else - cherished his friendship.

But on June 6, 2018, James’s life held in the balance.  Worried after not hearing from James, an alert was sounded by his friend, Deborah Johnson who was to meet with him that morning. By afternoon, friends Reggie Moore and Leon Lewis went to his apartment building searching where they found him unconscious.  He had suffered a Stroke and lay unresponsive for up to 20 hours.

Rushed to Riverside Hospital, the prognosis for James was grim.  It was doubtful that he would live.  And, if by some miracle he survived, chances are that he would never walk or regain the ability to speak.  

James Thornton, the public speaker who had successfully navigated a professional career with the National Football League, USA Track & Field, and global banking giant UBS, was silent.  The college football player who overcame childhood poverty and hardship to travel the globe for broadcasting networks and the U.S. Olympic Committee was grounded.

But God had a plan for James.  Able to hear but not speak, James focused on God’s Word and became a listener of others. Forced to slow down, he gained patience.  One syllable at a time, he regained his speech.  And one step at a time, he strengthened his gait.      

God was using the Stroke to change the mountain of a man into a mountain.  Set in place and time, one can’t help to be drawn to a mountain.  A mountain forces you to look up to the heavens and glorify God.  In the same way, James’ story, his heart and his character draws everyone to him, but he directs all the glory up to the Father and Creator.   

As all great mountains birth streams, James now refreshes others through his writings and encouragement, what he fondly calls, dripping.  Providing hope to Stroke survivors and their loved ones, and raising the awareness and prevention of Strokes, James takes the love and grace he receives daily from God and redistributes it to others. 

James is an inspiration to me and I am proud to call him my friend and brother in Christ.  I cannot thank him enough for teaching me to slow down, to listen to the Lord and for allowing me to join him on this fabulous journey.

To the readers of this book, the pages that follow are in James’ own, genuine voice, post-stroke. They capture his miraculous journey from near death silence and having to relearn to speak and write, to being an inspiring author. Unedited and in his authentic style, enjoy James’ short stories with the same Grace and Mercy that he affords others.  Most of all, enjoy reading this book because James feels so great to be able to communicate his love and gratitude with you through writing again.    

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James Thornton James Thornton

Key Lessons to Learn…Together

When people have a Stroke they cannot speak at first. Maybe they were a "great speaker" before or talk in a "soft voice". But no matter what they were they are "listeners" again. Like a "child being guided through life" for the very first time.

Starting on Day 1 those around them are constantly talking because as family or caregivers you care. But the familiar voice that you need to hear from us is gone. The sounds or grunts we make you do not recognize. So you do what naturally comes next...making plans and decisions on our behalf as best as you can. We both are in "uncharted territory" for sure and it is why we need each other. But it takes you making the "first step" before I walk out the door of a hospital. Then on to the "next step".

Both of us have the rehabilitation of our minds and body. But it starts with "Step 1" that we both need to focus on. You slow your mind down to a pedestrian pace which may be painful at the start. But once it happens it gets easier to do in time. We need all your love shown as best possible shown to us. As a Stroke Survivor to know you are out there "talking back to us" by reading to us. Nothing else matters at that point because all control of everything has been lost.

Given up the tragic circumstances that we are now in...together. But with a "teamwork approach" you will be able to figure things out..."one step" at a time. You see adversity introduces us all to ourselves again. We all are a "Survivor" of something. So "teamwork" in all facets of this game is needed to get through this "uncertain time".

While it does take a lot of "work and perseverance" the benefits can be life changing. The biggest one is you have the freedom to "make a choice" to help is not easy to do. But you did. So when you look at this picture you will want to "focus on the mountain" but instead cast your gaze on "the tree". That is our first and best step...together. Because no one is in "control of this situation"...neither you nor me. This is my premise for writing and sharing this book to the world.

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James Thornton James Thornton


"James you have brought WARMTH" by Mrs. Lisa Showe my Wife. We were married on November 16, 2019. My Stroke occurred overnight June 5, 2018 and I was found the next day in the afternoon.

"WHERE there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where there was darkness. you have brought light. Our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together. I enter this marriage with you knowing that the true magic is not to avoid change but to follow the path together, hand in hand. Let us commit to the miracle of making each day work together. 

Whatever lies ahead, good or bad, we will face together.  Distance may test us for a time and time may try us, but if we look to each other first we will always see a friend.  I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. With all my heart I take you James as my husband, acknowledging your faults and strengths as you do mine.

You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confident and my greatest challenge. But most importantly you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I thought possible.  

You have made me a better person, as our love for each other is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life which as of today becomes our life together.  

What can I say that I haven’t already said? What can I provide you that I haven’t already given? My body, my mind, my soul and my heart.  They  are all yours. 

Everything that I am and everything that I have belonged to you long before today. And I promise that it shall all be yours forever. I will be yours forever.  I will follow you anywhere you go and anywhere you lead me…"HAND IN HAND".  

Love is a short word, easy to spell and difficult to define and impossible to live without. LOVE is work, but most of all love is realizing that every hour every minute every second of it was worth it because we did it together. On this special day James I give to you, in the presence of God and all these family and friends my promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family’s love and happiness my priority.  I will be yours in plenty and in want , in sickness and in health in failure and in triumph. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring.  You are my person, my LOVE and my LIFE today and always."

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James Thornton James Thornton

“Reintroducing Myself”…To Me Again

So these stories in my book will tell you two important things. The first 4 Chapters represent my "Attention Span" these days. The 5th Chapter represents my fingers and how I learn to "count again". This new life of having a Stroke teaches me daily "its not being brave until I am afraid" as I learned what concrete and grass feels like when I fall on them...again.

🤞Thank you for taking this "Journey" with me. The brain is a mystery. When you wake up from a coma and have no "memories"...all you can do is wink. "Once" for yes. "Two" for no. Its Alzheimers...yet in reverse. It does not matter your culture or religion when you can not speak. For once it is "just silence" you live in.

So these stories in my book will tell you two important things. The first 4 Chapters represent my "Attention Span" these days. The 5th Chapter represents my fingers and how I learn to "count again". This new life of having a Stroke teaches me daily "its not being brave until I am afraid" as I learned what concrete and grass feels like when I fall on them...again.

Learning from a different lense now what I thought was "true or false" is really..."gray". Prejudice knows no reason yet in my mind have been both "my Defense and Prosecutor attorneys". Having never been inside a jail cell my mind I am "locked up" seeking freedom yet "sentence was commuted" the day of the Stroke. Where all I had done in life disappeared because my mind was erased. So now this verse resonates..."The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life". It is from John 10:10 NLT.

For me Bible verses do matter if I can see them in action versus preaching to me. For I am an "infant in growns up body" taking a village to help raise me again in this "new world". Having "faith in you" was something you had to earn back then. Yet "He" saved my life while I slept on my bedroom floor as I watched from...a close distance. Deciding to send me back to this world when no medical intervention would save my life that day. 

My ex-girlfriend became my wife when she did not have to and is "head of the village" I reside in. I used to do more before this Stroke. Yet I am still "Mr James Thornton'' just "reclaim now". This "redemption" was paid in full a long time ago but I could not see it then.

Today my "imperfections and success" are on full display...for all to see. Me standing in front of you today is a "miracle" so focus on "my messages" and not the text. Editing with "your heart and mind" versus a pen. Reading my words with love and humility allows them to "breathe" in your soul. Use your "access" into my world of surviving a Stroke to see that fate can be cruel...if we allow it.

Whether a family member or caregivers or a just friend we are all "Survivors''. So lets not focus on our circumstance but rejoice about the "Life" we have today. Taking one step at a time in this "sea of information overload'' we swim in daily. But you can find your "North Star" also. It is your hands...just grasp it tightly and hold on. You see…delays in life do not mean you are "denied" so defy logic and listen to your heart.

As Stroke Survivors we have "retrain the Brain" in the following areas: 

- we 'mute' in the beginning of the illness.

- we can hear you from Day 1 but no one can hear "us".

- we have an attention span of between 0-30 minutes as the start building back up slowly over time.

- we have various forms of "asphisa" which means we learn everything over again from speaking to spelling and learning how to write...again.

- we try to regain all of our mental and cognitive capabilities.

- we have to remember what to do with all of our bodily functions also.

For me in addition:

- I talk with a "stutter now" but it is better than being "silenced by others".

- my "ability to assume" has completely disappeared as a result of this Stroke so I ask questions now without judgement.

- my mind focuses on "one step... one door" at a time completing the task as best as I can before moving on.

As a result of a Stroke we are still experiencing all the same things you do...just in different ways now. "Wins" are great to celebrate. Raising an arm or a foot higher than yesterday and learning how to speak and write...all are awesome. These "small things" that most consider routine is what I helped others to attain now. On days when I am "struggling"...I just have to think about somewhere out there is someone worse off than me.

You have a choice to make "Survive" or "Thrive". So welcome to my "New World" 😇

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James Thornton James Thornton

The Journey Back

For the first 3 months I couldnt speak a word to just uttering complete gibberish to those listening. They told me I had the "Mother Of All Strokes"... on a floor for 20+ hours before being found. And once found the doctors said it would be a "true miracle" if I woke up out of the coma.

"But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave."

Psalms 49:15 NLT

Im watching on movie and this scene the pilot of the craft is all ALONE in his spaceship. He was sent up the Cosmonaut. Theres no one to talk to up was the very first time. He only had "his thoughts" to keep him occupied.

For the first 3 months I couldnt speak a word to just uttering complete gibberish to those listening. They told me I had the "Mother Of All Strokes"... on a floor for 20+ hours before being found. And once found the doctors said it would be a "true miracle" if I woke up out of the coma. For they had done all they could...which was nothing. I had past their time limits by a lot of hours.

So there I lay in God's hands. There is no one else to talk...but him. But in my mind like a cosmonaut I was thinking all the time...if you let me get back I'll show you my change…"to others".

If you ever had a Stroke this will all sound familiar to you. Your mind is clear too... and you are "speaking on your head" but no one can hear. So this where "we" make our "CHOICE"...given up or fight like hell. Because to our loved ones and friends they can see only what in front of them. We are talking in our minds yet they "cant read our mind". They want us to talk and speak to them again. To let them we are feeling. We are "SPEAKING" yet they cant "HEAR us".

Paying attention with impaired mind takes patience from me and you. Because you want from me information...but in "your time" not mine. So you give up. Im trying…focusing one thing. Post-stroke your focus narrowed down to single thing. All your sensory information is jumbled like a jigsaw puzzle...the pieces are there…just need to be put back.

My abilities track things whether "in space" or "inside my head"...change forever. From that hospital bed through to all the rehabilitation process...Im trying but it "comes back when it comes back". You in a hurry yet as a "Stroke Survivor" Is not a good match. The "hurried world of the rat race" doesnt help or interest me now. All because I was given something back…"LIFE".

You see we all have a just see mine...and see yours. So my takeaway from this experience is this..."its not about me" anymore and I need to share. Share my stories to helping others to see whats inside of me and the same. My life now is enjoying watching others "blossom into the beautiful flower that they are". Its that "Inner Beauty" we all should seek.

And now that God gave me a second chance as a Stroke Survivor...I now see and relish in this beautiful side of life. Because theres no barrier for loneliness any more. Its you and me now sharing to the end with "LOVE" for each other.

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James Thornton James Thornton

D-O-G...Spelled Backward Is G-O-D

"Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you."

Proverbs 4:25 NLT

So today I learned a lesson. You see a friend had to me this saying. Its true in my mind and soul. I would tell you the name of this friend...but I cannot remember it. But I can share this story about "Hazel" and what he taught me as the lesson. One you may find strange...yet it is true. As we walked I thought how God wants the best for me. Sometimes I would listen and we walk side by side. Other times in life I took lead...because "I" wanted - and he allowed me. Yet I always had a 50/50 chance of succeeding. In the most difficult times or when I am unsure of myself...he leads the way because I cannot. But in every instance "he is" there. Just like "Hazel"...there for me. So when we returned home day...I gave her an extra special treat. And I thanked "him" for always being there. Because my dog was a reflection of him…"loving and caring". For no other reason that she can and will show me "unconditional love" he does…whether I succeed or fail.

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James Thornton James Thornton

Work at What Cost

I was a "workaholic" never seeing "the forest"...just a tree. So not matter how many trees I cut down...there were always more to tackle. Because being a "workaholic" was my idol. A choice I made over and over. Yet I would never be satisfied.

But God settle this fact in my life slowing me down with a Stroke. Before I was trying to "earn Gods love and forgiveness"...all the time. Along with getting people to like and admire me "by doing everything for them". He got rid of that too by showing me that "I" needed help now...from a "village".

It was when I answered the why question that change began to occur in me. I could not "earn" what I already have..."Gods Love". But it starts with searching for "How to Live" versus "performing" for our own satisfaction. Then you too will "see the path" through the forest.

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James Thornton James Thornton

Greener Than Dollars…

"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."

Psalms 23:2 NKJV

Have you ever had been to made to rest. Not rest as we know it. But truly rest through an experience that you didn't count on having.

For me its was a Stroke. I was in very good shape...especially for my size 6'5" and 290 pounds. Yet that did not mean a thing to God. You see "when it is your time" the clock stops. All you think that matters stops. Everything in your life at that point ceases to exist. Its just you and him at that point. All of your stuff in life does not matter to him.

But being in his presence meant I was dead...but I had made it to that place that I had heard about…"Heaven". I did not feel any pain. I had no discomfort. Just a “JOY" in my heart and "PEACE OF MIND". Yet he sent me back here because he wanted to. And that is how God got my "full attention". To let the world know he can take us at any time.

And in your life you had to "rest" even when you did not want to. Think about that…something happened in your life that you were not expecting. For those life-changing moments we have "respect and acknowledgement". The thought of "lying by still waters" represents a snapshot into our lives of that time. We cannot make another dollar. Rushing around ceases. Doing too many things at one time stops. Everything and every one ceases to exist.

Its in the "still water” we truly hear…so that he can "show us" as we rest.

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James Thornton James Thornton

6 Words to Share by Stroke of Genius

Just witness something interesting. Its using "6 words" to tell how you are feeling these days. What would yours be. No matter how dumb you think this is...tell "your story" how you feel. And thats important. So go on and share them. I thought about using these...

"Crap deal wrapped in pretty paper".

"Experiences trump our knowledge every time".

"An emperor looking for a kingdom".

But when I really focus and concentrate on the task at hand I chose…"Today Living Best Life I Can".

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James Thornton James Thornton


But by being "OPTIMISTIC" you are giving yourself a chance. It could be for any reason and you will decide that.

I am writing today sharing this thought...being "Optimistic" in this life of ours. You see if we dont have it we can only blame included. So I am sharing this thought today to show you too can be "Optimistic" and where it will lead you to.

First "listen to" or play the video called "Optimistic" by Sounds of Blackness. Focus on their words. I play it on my ipod while walking on the treadmill. And now the "lesson" for today. When I first started walking on the treadmill after my Stroke I could not do a lot. Maybe "1" minute at 0.5 miles per hour. That is pedestrian for many but a chore for me. Yet this is where I started from.

You see they told my Wife and friends I would not walk again without "assistance". So I am truly blessed for sure. But God wants our best all the time too. We gotta do our part in the partnership. So I do the best I can. And now I can walk at "4 miles per hour" with an incline between 3-10. But this is not about the stats. It is about me staying..."Optimistic" and reminding myself how far I have come in this "new experience" called having a Stroke.

We can move on in life yet we should never forget...either. So I went back to my "start point today" and for 10 minutes as a cool down I reminded myself. Because in this life it takes 3 things to keep "Optimistic".

First...being willing to not give up on life. It does not mean you will not have bad days for sure. Second...remind ourselves what we have come through to reach this point in life. will always have struggles and be challenged in life.

But by being "OPTIMISTIC" you are giving yourself a chance. It could be for any reason and you will decide that. I just wanted to share my story to help you see...its all good. It will be ok. But we have to do our part too. And that is to start somewhere. Decide and just go for it. But you gotta start…

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James Thornton James Thornton

Failures Are a Beautiful Thing

I tried but was not successful as I wanted to be. But this "failure was awesome" because first I learned about myself and the added bonus is..."I tried".

I tried something new this morning for a change. You see yesterday my friend Ken Thein asked a question. He asked me to "stretch myself"...not in the way of bending over to touch my toes. He meant "mental gymnastics" flexing my mind causing it to "tear". To the point that we will get "stronger"...bending and flexing or twisting at times. But its takes "practicing" so that when its time to "play" you are ready.

Well today I "prepared"...ready as can be. So my "practice" yesterday was perfect. But today...I "failed". I tried but was not successful as I wanted to be. But this "failure was awesome" because first I learned about myself and the added bonus is..."I tried". Even when I did not have to.

So today the "best mediocre me" is present and accounted for. Yet I am ok with this because these "experiences" being taught from this book about being a "Stroke Survivor" are needed. It means some days you are going to…"FAIL". So just "try". Its all you can ask of yourself. And no one else can fault you.

You see there is beauty in everything when "Failures". But you had the choice what your mentality is..."today". To be a Stroke "Victim" or a..."Stroke-Thrivivor". We just have to grab the..."Right End Of This Stick".

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James Thornton James Thornton


Fears, doubts, worry and other things can come into our minds in those moments. And with those things present we can start building a fortress around them. Where we not only believe them...but hold on to those emotions and feelings long term.

"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.:

Matthew 10:39 NLT

Life as we know it is a lot of things. Awesome at times. Yet the other end of the spectrum reveals not so good times. Fears, doubts, worry and other things can come into our minds in those moments. And with those things present we can start building a fortress around them. Where we not only believe them...but hold on to those emotions and feelings long term.

When we look at the definition of a "Fortress" it means - a secure and strong place which can be defended from an attack. Well when we embrace these thoughts to the point of no return its a wrap. In fact no one else has to do anything to us. Because we will do it to ourselves.

That is what happens in life at times. So we need to change our mindset. We need to "displace and replace". We have to give up our "old life" to receive the "new one". At that point we will start to see the same things differently. That we can overcome anything with God helping us by guiding our steps. We can see a way out from all that worries us. We receive a "PEACE and JOY" that we have never seen or had before.

We all tried things our way for a long time. Yet he waits for us. He knows our burdens. He knows every way we can turn also. But HES asking us to come to him. And those "Fortresses" in our minds dissipate. Then and only then can we lead the life that God has planned for us.

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James Thornton James Thornton

Disabilities Turn Around

We can be cured by walking with God and seeking his help on a daily basis. So that you have a chance to embrace your "dis·a·bil·i·ty" too. Will you today.

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to take him inside to Jesus, Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.  I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”

Luke 5:18‭, ‬31‭-‬32 NLT

dis·a·bil·i·ty  noun

• a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. We are all sick in some way... I'm not talking about the obvious which is present in people. The lame...mentally and physical disability but "our minds". I know firsthand what it feels like to be mentally challenged. Pre-stroke and now because of this Stroke. Yet my mental capabilities now are what they are and I embraced them. But prior to the Stroke...I was in a "mental prison" also. My mind was not "focus on God" the way it is now. It was "focus on me" and my worldview - perfection…


material wealth…

self pride…


spiritual forgetfulness…




and acceptance. It happens to all of us. But now I see that these emotions and feelings were leading my life. Now I just believe. In God...and that he does not want me to "perform" or "do" in life. He just wants me to believe - in him. And not depend on "my own understanding and knowledge of things"...but to just lean ON him. We can be cured by walking with God and seeking his help on a daily basis. So that you have a chance to embrace your "dis·a·bil·i·ty" too. Will you today.

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James Thornton James Thornton

A Smile to Share

I have been told that I have a great laugh. One that makes people matter how they are feeling. Its because its genuine and authentic. And if were laughing it must really be funny.

"For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ."

2 Corinthians 4:6 NLT

I have been told that I have a great laugh. One that makes people matter how they are feeling. Its because its genuine and authentic. And if were laughing it must really be funny.

Yet I can "see" something about "you" in myself. No closer...a little stop. What you see me in my JOY for life. And while I want to think before my Stroke I had a joy...not like now. Does not compare because of the simple reason I could not find it everyday back then. This JOY. And God then took away something yet gave it back to me...LIFE. What a wonderful thing to receive back from him.

So for right now I will be your "beacon on light". I can do this for you because it was done for me. And you just need right now. A break from life in all its glory and challenges. To laugh and smile if only for a minute. But in that 60 seconds we can escape...together. It is what I am here for…"for now". To let you see "yourself" in me.

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James Thornton James Thornton

Check-in With Myself

Occasionally its good to just checking in with yourself. To see where you are and how you a feeling. I did it this morning by riding my bike. To just feel and reflect all the "emotions of my coming back".

"🛐🕎☯️☪️🛐🚹🚺♿🚼 all these add up to this ☮ in my world."

James Thornton 

Occasionally its good to just checking in with yourself. To see where you are and how you a feeling. I did it this morning by riding my bike. To just feel and reflect all the "emotions of my coming back".

You see when I get on the bike its with both "fear and freedom". Fear because I am a afraid on falling. Yet have "Freedom" from the same thing...I am riding a bike again. So todays  "check-in" consisted of thinking back to where I started this "journey" from. Its been a slow and steady process for sure.

Todays first thought was about the first day of riding again. It was tough...riding a pace that many would think slow. But when you come from "nothing to something" everything in the middle counts. When you have no memory or recollection about people...places...and things you dwell in a place of "hope". My "Hope" is like my two favorite ice creams...vanilla and butter pecan that my both short and memories returned. Now "sprinkle top" not being able to "speak or write"...and you have a "sundae for ages".

So today  I remember just how blessed I am. First that I am "alive". Second that I can ride a bike..."again" yet remember where all began. While "numbers and statistics" are good they cant substitute for "our experiences". The "true cost" of getting back all we can. So let me inspire you today because "you can do it"...yet in your way by taking "one step at time".

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James Thornton James Thornton


Yes we all can complain. It is our nature and what we do. But when you find a solution to put into resolve the complaint. I can resolve my complaint with 3 simple words..."I LOVE YOU". So when you complain today...think about how much we have in life to be thankful for first.

Today Lisa and I attended a great worship service then decided to go to brunch at our favorite place. As we sat chatting about the sermon she threw me for a loop. She said this, "We all complain about something in life." I asked her to repeat that statement to be certain I had it right. She did and I did.

I thought about it long and hard. She could tell that something was going on "inside of my head". I stated then I was going to write at some point. I had to "think about it" first. You see I used to be one to complain back in the day. Now I don't but I do. Hearing this today made me think and I do have a complaint to make. It is this, "We do not have enough LOVE in this world."

I was told in my teens that you cant complain about something without coming up with solutions also. So in keeping with that premise is this:


• "I LOVE PEOPLE even when they cant or wont LOVE THEMSELVES".

• "I LOVE MY NEIGHBOR as I do myself."

Yes we all can complain. It is our nature and what we do. But when you find a solution to put into resolve the complaint. I can resolve my complaint with 3 simple words..."I LOVE YOU". So when you complain today...think about how much we have in life to be thankful for first.

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James Thornton James Thornton

Encouraged Always

So it was on help him. I told him what a great job he and they were doing. It was the truth. I would not lie to him.

It sounds easy to do. Yet it is so hard sometimes. Though we all seek it at some point in our lives. In reality it does not happen enough or not at all. But you know what? If we can put ourselves in the shoes of the person thats "p*##**g us off" as they do. Extending the same "grace and mercy" to them that God extends to us.

Why is the question answered like this. You ultimately can encourage them.

This is my example for you to consider. On Saturday I was with 2 friends. We meet at Chipotle in Dublin. That should have heightened my awareness anyway. The staff have "so many seconds to complete yours and my order". Well I finally made it through the "gauntlet of servers" and was at the last one. He wanted to finish my order with whatever topping I needed. I was trying to get it out. But was not quick enough for him. To make matters worse...I put my arm over the glass that separates them for us. Immediately he snorted to me..."Do not do that." I replied, "Do what?” as I was confused.

He proceeded to tell me that I had placed my arm on the glass partition. Hes was right. But by then I was mad. I was sharing with him that I had a Stroke and the pace at which they wanted things from me I was trying to do. But it was not quick enough for them as they were working.

I had to regain "my composure" at that point. Yes after a coupled deep breathes I took. And I what I did next was "the key" to my lesson for me. I put myself in his shoes. They are trained to react to us as "Customers" in seconds. Well I need minutes to place my order. In the meantime their "process of serving" had come to a grinding halt. So I truly understood his dilemma. It made sense to me. Did not make it right. But I took the time to "realize his reality". And he did not know my situation because my "appearance" to him was like everyone else. I do not think he was even aware. But I was.

So it was on help him. I told him what a great job he and they were doing. It was the truth. I would not lie to him. And lets be honest outside giving our orders to we really care how they are doing? Not really. Yet from me came these encouraging words. Because we all seek and need encouragement. We can really thrive from it.

But to give it is another story. One where we want to "pick and choose" who gets it. The reality is EVERYONE NEEDS IT. Even when they dont think so or cant tell you why our role is to "be nice" when they "dont want to play" at all. Because in the end we all need it. So I challenge you to encourage somebody today and everyday after...because we all need it.

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James Thornton James Thornton

A Stroke of Genius

We ask questions to get clarity, for information and to engage the person thoughtfully. So why doesn't everybody ask questions first of each other. It would eliminate a lot of confusion. More importantly it would give us answers from the "horses mouth".

By James Thornton a.k.a. "Stroke of Genius" 

You know having this stroke has been interesting. Being mute to being able to speak has been interesting. Asking people questions to remember things they tell me has been interesting.

When you have a stroke you lose part of your memory in some cases. For me this happen. I regained my voice yet still needed to ask questions to people. Now it's a characteristic of my being. My friend Alison who suffered a stroke is the same way. We ask questions to get clarity, for information and to engage the person thoughtfully. So why doesn't everybody ask questions first of each other. It would eliminate a lot of confusion. More importantly it would give us answers from the "horses mouth".

I know for sure it will give us a better understanding of each other. We assume and speculate so much in this world. Why... Maybe you too need a "Stroke of Genius". 

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James Thornton James Thornton

I Needed To Change

You see his "desires" for me allows me be "full because Im not dining alone... Allowing me to FOCUS on changing my "i" to "we".

Covetousness isn’t something we really talk about these let me define it. According to Merriam-Webster, covetousness is...“A strong desire to obtain some supposed good.” Yes i know this well. But its really simple to explain. What matters most to me. Thats a statement not a question. "My needs" or "Gods desire" for me. You see when its my needs..."i" want it right now. But it was never a stomach searching to "be full". Do I "snack alone" or "having meal with someone". Youre trying to get full of the snack...but the meal is what we seek and need. So in this instance we continue search...for the next "great thing" in life to happen. Yet when we let it all go...and just rest in contentment. Its God work now. Supply me yet at his pace. You see his "desires" for me allows me be "full because Im not dining alone... Allowing me to FOCUS on changing my "i" to "we".

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James Thornton James Thornton


We need to support and encourage one another constantly. Even when its painful to do because of how I'm feeling.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her"

Proverbs 31:25‭, ‬27‭-‬28 NLT

I listened to a song that says what we all want in life..."Respect" by ADEVA. Before you turn you nose up at me listen to it. It's how as a man it tells me how to treat my woman. I got married for the first time and only time. And that means there's going to be times when we won't agree. Because that's life… Yet I have give her this "Respect" that she sings about. More importantly we need to support and encourage one another constantly. Even when its painful to do because of how I'm feeling. This Anthem of words are true and spot on. As men we have to get out of our own way. Depend on God to help us when we can't help ourselves. She deserves this "Respect" daily. Don't take home problems from other situations (relationships, work, etc.). This time is for you & her plus the kids if you have them. Just like we want "Respect" daily, we must also give it "Respect" daily.

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