Check-in With Myself

"🛐🕎☯️☪️🛐🚹🚺♿🚼 all these add up to this ☮ in my world."

James Thornton 

Occasionally its good to just checking in with yourself. To see where you are and how you a feeling. I did it this morning by riding my bike. To just feel and reflect all the "emotions of my coming back".

You see when I get on the bike its with both "fear and freedom". Fear because I am a afraid on falling. Yet have "Freedom" from the same thing...I am riding a bike again. So todays  "check-in" consisted of thinking back to where I started this "journey" from. Its been a slow and steady process for sure.

Todays first thought was about the first day of riding again. It was tough...riding a pace that many would think slow. But when you come from "nothing to something" everything in the middle counts. When you have no memory or recollection about people...places...and things you dwell in a place of "hope". My "Hope" is like my two favorite ice creams...vanilla and butter pecan that my both short and memories returned. Now "sprinkle top" not being able to "speak or write"...and you have a "sundae for ages".

So today  I remember just how blessed I am. First that I am "alive". Second that I can ride a bike..."again" yet remember where all began. While "numbers and statistics" are good they cant substitute for "our experiences". The "true cost" of getting back all we can. So let me inspire you today because "you can do it"...yet in your way by taking "one step at time".


A Smile to Share

