I Needed To Change

Covetousness isn’t something we really talk about these days...so let me define it. According to Merriam-Webster, covetousness is...“A strong desire to obtain some supposed good.” Yes i know this well. But its really simple to explain. What matters most to me. Thats a statement not a question. "My needs" or "Gods desire" for me. You see when its my needs..."i" want it right now. But it was never enough...like a stomach searching to "be full". Do I "snack alone" or "having meal with someone". Youre trying to get full of the snack...but the meal is what we seek and need. So in this instance we continue search...for the next "great thing" in life to happen. Yet when we let it all go...and just rest in contentment. Its God work now. Supply me yet at his pace. You see his "desires" for me allows me be "full because Im not dining alone... Allowing me to FOCUS on changing my "i" to "we".


A Stroke of Genius

