Encouraged Always

It sounds easy to do. Yet it is so hard sometimes. Though we all seek it at some point in our lives. In reality it does not happen enough or not at all. But you know what? If we can put ourselves in the shoes of the person thats "p*##**g us off" as they do. Extending the same "grace and mercy" to them that God extends to us.

Why is the question answered like this. You ultimately can encourage them.

This is my example for you to consider. On Saturday I was with 2 friends. We meet at Chipotle in Dublin. That should have heightened my awareness anyway. The staff have "so many seconds to complete yours and my order". Well I finally made it through the "gauntlet of servers" and was at the last one. He wanted to finish my order with whatever topping I needed. I was trying to get it out. But was not quick enough for him. To make matters worse...I put my arm over the glass that separates them for us. Immediately he snorted to me..."Do not do that." I replied, "Do what?” as I was confused.

He proceeded to tell me that I had placed my arm on the glass partition. Hes was right. But by then I was mad. I was sharing with him that I had a Stroke and the pace at which they wanted things from me I was trying to do. But it was not quick enough for them as they were working.

I had to regain "my composure" at that point. Yes after a coupled deep breathes I took. And I what I did next was "the key" to my lesson for me. I put myself in his shoes. They are trained to react to us as "Customers" in seconds. Well I need minutes to place my order. In the meantime their "process of serving" had come to a grinding halt. So I truly understood his dilemma. It made sense to me. Did not make it right. But I took the time to "realize his reality". And he did not know my situation because my "appearance" to him was like everyone else. I do not think he was even aware. But I was.

So it was on me...to help him. I told him what a great job he and they were doing. It was the truth. I would not lie to him. And lets be honest outside giving our orders to them...do we really care how they are doing? Not really. Yet from me came these encouraging words. Because we all seek and need encouragement. We can really thrive from it.

But to give it is another story. One where we want to "pick and choose" who gets it. The reality is EVERYONE NEEDS IT. Even when they dont think so or cant tell you why our role is to "be nice" when they "dont want to play" at all. Because in the end we all need it. So I challenge you to encourage somebody today and everyday after...because we all need it.




A Stroke of Genius