D-O-G...Spelled Backward Is G-O-D

"Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you."

Proverbs 4:25 NLT

So today I learned a lesson. You see a friend had to me this saying. Its true in my mind and soul. I would tell you the name of this friend...but I cannot remember it. But I can share this story about "Hazel" and what he taught me as the lesson. One you may find strange...yet it is true. As we walked I thought how God wants the best for me. Sometimes I would listen and we walk side by side. Other times in life I took lead...because "I" wanted - and he allowed me. Yet I always had a 50/50 chance of succeeding. In the most difficult times or when I am unsure of myself...he leads the way because I cannot. But in every instance "he is" there. Just like "Hazel"...there for me. So when we returned home day...I gave her an extra special treat. And I thanked "him" for always being there. Because my dog was a reflection of him…"loving and caring". For no other reason that she can and will show me "unconditional love"...like he does…whether I succeed or fail.


The Journey Back


Work at What Cost