Failures Are a Beautiful Thing

I tried something new this morning for a change. You see yesterday my friend Ken Thein asked a question. He asked me to "stretch myself"...not in the way of bending over to touch my toes. He meant "mental gymnastics" flexing my mind causing it to "tear". To the point that we will get "stronger"...bending and flexing or twisting at times. But its takes "practicing" so that when its time to "play" you are ready.

Well today I "prepared"...ready as can be. So my "practice" yesterday was perfect. But today...I "failed". I tried but was not successful as I wanted to be. But this "failure was awesome" because first I learned about myself and the added bonus is..."I tried". Even when I did not have to.

So today the "best mediocre me" is present and accounted for. Yet I am ok with this because these "experiences" being taught from this book about being a "Stroke Survivor" are needed. It means some days you are going to…"FAIL". So just "try". Its all you can ask of yourself. And no one else can fault you.

You see there is beauty in everything when "Failures". But you had the choice what your mentality is..."today". To be a Stroke "Victim" or a..."Stroke-Thrivivor". We just have to grab the..."Right End Of This Stick".



