
"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.:

Matthew 10:39 NLT

Life as we know it is a lot of things. Awesome at times. Yet the other end of the spectrum reveals not so good times. Fears, doubts, worry and other things can come into our minds in those moments. And with those things present we can start building a fortress around them. Where we not only believe them...but hold on to those emotions and feelings long term.

When we look at the definition of a "Fortress" it means - a secure and strong place which can be defended from an attack. Well when we embrace these thoughts to the point of no return its a wrap. In fact no one else has to do anything to us. Because we will do it to ourselves.

That is what happens in life at times. So we need to change our mindset. We need to "displace and replace". We have to give up our "old life" to receive the "new one". At that point we will start to see the same things differently. That we can overcome anything with God helping us by guiding our steps. We can see a way out from all that worries us. We receive a "PEACE and JOY" that we have never seen or had before.

We all tried things our way for a long time. Yet he waits for us. He knows our burdens. He knows every way we can turn also. But HES asking us to come to him. And those "Fortresses" in our minds dissipate. Then and only then can we lead the life that God has planned for us.


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